Portsmouth Chest

Handcrafted Portsmouth Chests

The Portsmouth Chest...

The Portsmouth Chest. Yes, chosen for its strong outline of form, but also for its use of detail to exhibit the effect of beautiful and matched patterns of veneer and inlay. When constructed correctly the case of solid mahogany (or tiger maple in my Reverse Portsmouth) must be of exceptionally wide boards and always from the same rough plank. True to form, the joints, though never seen, must be hand-fitted dovetail and mortise and tenon.

And now take time to notice the layout of the bookmatched consecutive veneers. Each was chosen for its exuberance of figure and vivid color of grain. The inlays that surround the patterns of each drawer are not simply placed there, but are there to accentuate the details of the entire piece. The more you look, the more you see and the construction will last for generations.

Reverse Portsmouth Chest

Traditional Portsmouth Chest
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